(A) 学生守则
1. 学生应遵守国家原则,如:效忠国家、尊敬国歌和州歌及国家领袖。
2. 学校各种规则及一切临时规定,学生应绝对遵守,不得违抗。
3. 学生应尊敬师长,接受师长的教诲;接纳班长与同学的规劝。
4. 学生待人处事应诚恳谦虚,做事负责守职,乐于助人,与人和睦相处。
5. 学生应时时确保仪表端庄。
6. 学生上课时必须专心听讲、认真及积极求学。
7. 学生应坦诚学习,不抄袭作业,考试不作弊。
8. 学生上课时不得擅自离开课室,不得无故缺席、迟到或早退。
9. 学生不得盗窃他人财物。
10. 学生不得吸烟、赌博或其他不良嗜好。
11. 学生不得携带危险物品,如:利器及具有伤害性和攻击性的物品; 和违禁品,如:手机、充电宝、扑克牌及其他赌博工具;一旦查获,物品一律没收。
12. 学生不得参与私会党,结交品行不良的朋友。
13. 学生未经学校允许,不得利用学校名义参加校外活动。
14. 学生严禁参与政治活动。
15. 学生必须依时出席学校各项集会,言行端庄,遵守秩序,严禁中途无故离席。
16. 学生应保持课室及学校环境之整洁。
17. 学生应爱护学校公物,若有不慎损坏公物,应立即主动向校方报告,并负责赔偿。蓄意破坏公物者,将接受严厉处分。
18. 学生若违犯规则,将依照学生奖惩规定,并按其情节轻重进行处分。
(B) 学生奖励或惩罚
1. 为了培养学生遵守纪律及培养优良校风,本校将斟酌实际情形,施行奖励或惩罚。
2. 本校将按照学生平日功过表现的轻重,施以奖惩。
3. 学生奖励之标准如下:
3.1 记优点(学生有下列情形之一者酌记优点)
(a) 自愿为公共服务者
(b) 拾金(物值轻微)不昧者
(c) 代表学校参加校外活动者
(d) 有其他类似善行者
3.2 记小功(学生有下列情形之一者酌记小功)
(a) 代表学校参加校外比赛者
(b) 代表学校参加校外比赛(区赛及州赛) 获得荣誉者
(c) 参加校外各种服务活动,表现优异者
(d) 被选为班上干部,有责任及尽职者
(e) 拾金不昧,值得奖励者
(f) 举报破坏公物或违犯校规者,经查明属实者
(g) 有特殊表现及有益于校誉者
(h) 有其他类似善行者
3.3 记大功(学生有下列情形之一者酌记大功)
(a) 代表学校参加校外比赛(国赛及国际赛) 获得荣誉者
(b) 对学校有特殊贡献者
(c) 有特殊优良行为堪为模范生者
(d) 能事先制止或向校方举报,经查明属实者,如:同学有越轨行为、揭发重大不法活动
(e) 有其他类似善行者
4. 学生惩罚之标准如下:
4.1 记缺点(学生有下列情形之一者酌记缺点)
(a) 校服、仪容不整者
(b) 染头发或发型不合标准者
(c) 不遵守秩序者
(e) 上课不专心听讲或做其他事者
(f) 与同学争吵而出言粗野者
(g) 有不良行为者,如:随地吐痰、乱丢垃圾等
(h) 浪费学校资源者
(i) 不按时交作业,劝诫不听者
(j) 有其他类似不良行为者
4.2 记小过(学生有下列情形之一者酌记小过)
(a) 扰乱教室或集会者
(b) 对师长礼貌不周情节轻微者
(c) 擅自离开课室旷课者
(d) 引诱其他同学做不良行为者
(e) 破坏学校公物者
(f) 欺负同学情节轻微者
(g) 拾遗隐匿不报或有欺骗者
(h) 重犯已记同一缺点者
(i) 有其他类似不良行为者
4.3 记大过(学生有下列情形之一者酌记大过)
(a) 行为粗暴、殴打同学者
(b) 侮辱及谩骂师长者
(c) 阅读禁书及刊物者
(d) 涂改点名簿、请假单或假冒家长文书签章者
(e) 招摇生事,破坏团体及校誉者
(f) 盗窃行为情节轻微者
(g) 参与私会党,结交品行不良的朋友
(h) 破坏考场秩序、不遵守考试规矩或企图作弊者
(i) 行为不检有粘校誉者
(j) 赌博、吸烟者
(k) 擅自离开校园逃学者
(l) 记有两次小过,仍不悔改者
(m) 有其他类似不良行为者
4.4 留校观察(学生有下列情形之一者皆留校观察)- 等同记大过两次
(a) 犯(4.3)项各项情节严重者或重犯者
4.5 勒令退学(学生有下列情形之一者皆勒令退学)
(a) 记满三次大过者
(b) 学年操行成绩不及格者
(c) 有违政府法令者
(d) 违犯及破坏校规,至学校发生不安者
(e) 参与校园暴力活动,不听制止者,如:殴打同学
(f) 参加校外流氓集团者
(g) 涉及毒品者
5. 学生所受的奖励与惩罚,将于学年结束时记录在学生成绩册。凡记大过时,均随时通知家长及监护人。
6. 学生所受的奖励与惩罚可互相抵消,但只限于同等项目,如:优点与缺点、功与过。但先过后功者就不可抵消,其他如留校观察、勒令退学等概不能以所受的任何奖励予以抵消。
7. 凡奖励、惩罚、留校观察及勒令退学者,训导处将提交给校长,再通过校务会议审核后才执行。
8. 学生操行等级将以礼貌、勤勉、诚实、服务、整洁及守法来评分。
9. 操行等级标准如下:
分数 | 等级 | 分数说明 | |
90 – 100
85 – 89 80 – 84 |
A A- |
75 – 79
70 – 74 |
B |
良 GOOD | |
65 – 69
60 – 64 |
C |
0 – 59 | D | 劣 POOR | 不及格 FAIL |
10. 凡受奖励者,将于操行分数按下列规定给予加分:
(a) 优点:加一分
(b) 小功:加三分
(c) 大功:加五分
(d) 凡记三个优点者将获一个小功
(e) 凡记三个小功者将获一个大功
11. 凡受惩罚者,将于操行分数按下列规定给予减分:
(a) 缺点:减一分
(b) 小过:减三分
(c) 大过:减五分
(d) 凡记三个缺点者将获一个小过
(e) 凡记三个小过者将获一个大过
(f) 凡记小过者,其操行分数上限为75分
(g) 凡记大过者,其操行分数上限为69分
12. 所有奖励与惩罚由训导处登记,并于学期结束前,合并办理。
13. 特别奖励与惩罚,由训导处提交给校长核定办理。
(C) 缺席请假程序与扣分准则
1. 凡缺席请假,学生必须亲自填写请假单,得有家长或监护人及班导师签署,再经训导处核准,方为有效。
2. 扣分准则如下:
2.1 病假:不扣分,但须出示医生证明书。
2.2 公假:不扣分,但由委派处有关主任或负责人签名,再经训导处和校长核准,方为有效。
2.3 丧假:不扣分,但须出示丧事证明文件。
2.4 事假:扣该学期总平均0.1分,但须出示家长或监护人证明文件。
2.5 迟到或早退:扣该学期总平均0.01分。
(a) 因校车问题或其他突发状况。
(b) 因生病而早退者,事后须补交医生证明书。
2.6 旷课:
(a) 凡缺席未请假者,当旷课论;扣该学期总平均0.5分。
(b) 凡连续旷课三天,通知家长,请家长多加关注。
(c) 若连续旷课七天,则当自动退学论。
2.7 逃学:若到校后擅自离开校园则当逃学论。记大过并通知家长。
3. 请假手续(病假,丧假)须在七天上课日内,将手续办妥,凡逾期请假当旷课论,手续作废。而(事假)请假手续须在出门前将手续办妥。
4. 少于三天的请假手续可以由训导助理申请办妥,凡超过三天的请假手续需由训导主任申请办妥。
5. 若学生在上课时间内外出,需在外出前将“上课期间外出表格”填妥,向训导处申请,方为有效。
6. 学校考试期间,(事假)申请将被拒绝,除(病假)、(丧假)及(公假)为外;所有考试期间的请假手续需向训导主任办理。
7. 如无医生证明书的病假、事假,需家长亲笔写公函来办理请假手续。无以公函格式的请假信,手续一概不办理。
(D) 学生仪表准则
1. 校服:
(a) 女生的校裙必须长及膝盖。
(b) 男生的校裤不能过于紧身、低腰及过短。
(c) 若不符合,必须重新定制新校服。
2. 女生发型:
(a) 流海不得长及眉毛。
(b) 若长发长及肩膀,必须绑起。
(c) 垂在耳朵两侧的长发必须绑起,或用发夹夹好。
(d) 绑头发的发圈及其他用具,一律必须黑色。
(e) 不可烫头发及染发。
3. 男生发型:
(a) 头发不可剪侧分线上梳(UNDERCUT)、庞克头及其他过度造型的发型。
(b) 前额头头发不得过长及眉毛。
(c) 不可烫头发及染发。
4. 配戴饰品:
(a) 凡未经申请,学生一律不许配戴饰品如:项链、手环、手链等。
(b) 配戴饰品申请,需在该学年开始时,向训导处索取表格填妥连同家长签名核实;再交由训导处书面批准,方可佩戴。
(E) 学生开车到校准则
1. 凡开车到校的学生,需在该学年开始时,向训导处索取表格填妥连同文件上交申请,通过后再到财政处缴交申请费用。
2. 早上到校后,需把车钥匙在七时二十分前交到训导处;并在下午两时(第九节前)的休息到训导处拿回车钥匙。
3. 车子需停放在所指定的车位,否则校方将进行罚款;屡劝不听者校方将保留权利禁止该学生开车到校。
4. 凡未经申请开车到校的学生,校方将进行罚款;屡劝不听者校方将采取纪律惩罚。
1. 学生在上课期间(上午七时三十分至下午三时三十分)不准携带手机到校。
2. 携带手机到校,一旦被查获,将依据以下处理:
2.1 第一次被查获;记缺点一次,手机连同SIM卡、记忆卡扣押6个月
2.2 第二次被查获,记小过一次,手机连同SIM卡、记忆卡扣押一年。
2.3 第三次被查获,记大过一次,手机连同SIM卡、记忆卡没收充公。
3. 凡考试及测验携带手机进入考场,除按《严禁携带手机到校》条规,也连同作弊论处理。
(A) Student Regulations
19. Students shall obey Rukun Negara, respect the country, the national and state anthems and the leaders of the country.
20. Students shall obey the school rules and any other temporally regulations.
21. Students shall respect teachers and accept the advices given by teachers, monitors or other students.
22. Students shall always be honest, humble, responsible, friendly and ready to help others.
23. Students shall always be in proper attire.
24. Students shall pay attention, be serious and proactive while learning in class.
25. Students shall always be honest in learning, do not copy other students’ assignments and do not cheat in any examinations.
26. Students shall not leave the classroom without permission, absent without acceptable reason, late to school or leaving the school early without permission.
27. Students shall not steal.
28. Students shall not smoke, gamble or involve in other inappropriate activities.
29. Students shall not bring to school any dangerous objects, for example sharp and hazardous tools. Students also shall not bring handphone, power bank and gambling tools. Those mentioned items will be confiscated.
30. Students shall not join gangsters and other misconduct friends.
31. Students shall not take part in any external activities on behalf of the school without getting permission from the school authority.
32. Students must not involve in any political activities.
33. Students shall punctually attend any school activities, well behaved and do not leave the activity early without acceptable reason(s).
34. Students shall keep the classroom and the school compound clean.
35. Students shall take care of the school properties. If any one of the students unintentionally causes damage to any school properties, the student shall report to the school authority and pay for the damage. If any one of the students intentionally causes damage to any school properties, disciplinary action will be taken upon the student.
36. Students who break any of the regulations will be taken disciplinary action according to their offences.
(B) Student Merit and Demerit System
14. The merit and demerit system is implemented in order to cultivate strong sense of self discipline among students.
15. The school authority will carry out the student merit and demerit system based on the performance of the students.
16. The standard of meriting system:
3.1 Merit(student who fulfill one of the following criteria will be given one merit)
(a) Service the public voluntary
(b) To return lost and found item (low value item)
(c) As a school representative in any external activities
(d) Any other relevant or similar deed
3.2 Minor merit (student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be given one minor merit)
(a) As a school representative in any external competitions
(b) As a school representative and winning in any external competitions (district level and state level)
(c) Involve in any external servicing activities and well performed
(d) As a committee member in the class who has always be responsible and dedicated in duties
(e) To return lost and found item and shall be complimented
(f) Report any vandalism cases and any offences against school regulations (cases verified by the school authority)
(g) To have outstanding performance and beneficial to the school reputation
(h) Any other relevant or similar deed
3.3 Major merit (student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be given a major merit)
(a) As a school representative and winning in any external competitions (national level and international level)
(b) To have outstanding contribution to school
(c) To have outstanding behaviour and be a role model to others
(d) Manage to stop or report to the school authority on any serious offences prior to happening (verified by the school authority). For example, deviant behaviour among students, illegal offences.
(e) Any other relevant or similar deed
17. The standard of de-meriting system:
4.1 Demerit(student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be given a demerit)
(a) Inappropriate attire
(b) Dyed hair or inappropriate hairstyle
(c) Do not keep order
(e) Not paying attention in class
(f) Argue with other students with impolite or foul language
(g) Inappropriate behaviour, for example splitting and littering
(h) Wasting school resources
(i) Do not hand in assignments on time and do not obey to teacher’s advices
(j) Any other relevant or similar deed
4.2 Minor demerit (student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be given a minor demerit)
(a) Disturb the class or any assembly
(b) Being impolite to teacher
(c) Absent from class or leaving class without permission
(d) Urging others to commit behaviour misconduct activities
(e) Vandalism
(f) Bullying others (less serious cases)
(g) To be dishonest on lost and found items
(h) Repeating the same demerit offence
(i) Any other relevant or similar deed
4.3 Major demerit (student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be given a major demerit)
(a) Rude action, beating up other students
(b) Insulting and scolding teachers
(c) Reading prohibited materials
(d) Altering attendance or leave application without permission and fake imitation of parents’ signature on any official letters.
(e) Spreading rumours and affecting the school reputation
(f) Stealing (light cases)
(g) Joining gangster and mixing around with behaviour misconduct friends
(h) Disturbing examination hall, not obeying examination rules and regulations, or intended to cheat
(i) Behaviour misconduct and affecting school reputation
(j) Gambling, smoking
(k) Leaving school compound without permission and playing truancy
(l) With two minor demerit and repeating the similar minor demerit
(m) Any other relevant or similar deed
4.4 Detention (student who fulfil one of the following will be detent) – equivalent to two major demerit
(a) Commit any offences in (4.3) (serious cases)
4.5 Suspension(student who fulfil one of the following criteria will be suspended)
(a) With three major demerit
(b) Annual conduct mark fail
(c) Against the law
(d) Against school rules and causing trouble in school
(e) Involve in school violence activities. For example, beating up other students
(f) Joining gangsters outside school
(g) Involve in drugs
18. All merit and demerit will be recorded annually in respective report card. Any cases of major demerit will be informed to respective parents or guardians.
19. Merit and demerit can cancel off each other, with similar level of merit and demerit. For example, minor merit and minor demerit. However, merit cannot cancel off the previous demerit. Detention and suspension cannot cancel off by any merit as well.
20. Any merit, demerit, suspension and detention cases will be reported by the Discipline Department to the Principal and will be implemented after verification in the school authority meeting.
21. Student will be evaluated from several aspects like manners, hardworking, honesty, contribution or service, cleanliness and obeying rules.
22. Conduct grades are as follow:
Marks | Grades | Details | Pass |
90 – 10085 – 89
80 – 84 |
A- |
Excellent | |
75 – 7970 – 74 | B+B | Good | |
65 – 6960 – 64 | C+C | Satisfactory | |
0 – 59 | D | Poor | Fail |
23. Additional conduct marks will be given based on the following standards:
(a) Merit: additional 1 mark
(b) Minor merit: additional 3 marks
(c) Major merit: additional 5 marks
(d) Three merits will be recorded as a minor merit
(e) Three minor merits will be recorded as a major merit
24. Marks will be deducted based on the following standards:
(a) Demerit: deduct 1 mark
(b) Minor demerit: deduct 3 marks
(c) Major demerit: deduct 5 marks
(d) Three demerits will be recorded as a minor demerit
(e) Three minor demerits will be recorded as a major demerit
(f) Those with minor demerit, conduct mark will be below 75
(g) Those with major demerit, conduct mark will be below 69
25. All merit and demerit will be registered by the Discipline Department and will be settled at the end of every semester.
26. Special merit and demerit will be reported by the Discipline Department to the Principal for verification.
(C) Leave Application Procedure and Mark Deduction
2. For any leave application, students shall fill in the leave application form themselves, sign by parents or guardians and form teacher, and then verify by the Discipline Department.
2. Mark deduction:
2.1 Sick leave: no mark deduction, with medical prove from doctor.
2.2 Official leave: no mark deduction, application form must be signed by the person in charge, and then verified by the Discipline Department and the Principal.
2.3 Funeral leave: no mark deduction, with particular funeral documents as evidence
2.4 Personal leave: deduct 0.1 mark from the overall result of that particular semester, with documents as evidence from parents or guardians.
2.5 late for lesson or early leave: deduct 0.01 mark from the overall result of that particular semester.
No mark deduction in the following situation:
(a) Due to transportation problems or any other unexpected problems.
(b) Early leave due to sickness, hand-in medical prove from doctor.
2.6 Absent from class without reason: Students who absent from school without leave application will be recorded as “absent from class without reason”. 0.5 marks will be deducted from the overall result. The Discipline Department will contact the parents if the student absents from school without reason for continuous three days. For those who absent from school without reason for continuous seven days will be recorded as automatic terminate study.
2.7 Truancy: Leaving school without permission will be recorded as playing truant. O.5 mark will be deducted for that particular semester, given a major demerit and inform parents.
8. Any leave application (sick leave, funeral leave) must be done within seven school days. Late application procedure will not be effective and the student will be recorded as absent from school without reason. Personal leave application must be done before absent from school.
9. Leave application for not exceeding three days can be approved by the Assistant Discipline Master. Leave application for more than three days must be approved by the Discipline Master.
10. Student should fill in the “Application Form for Student Going Out During School Hours” and obtain approval from the Discipline Department before leaving the school during school hour.
11. Leave application during assessment and exams:
– Personal leave not allowed.
– Sick leave approved with medical prove from doctor.
– All leave applications must be approved by the Discipline Master before taking effective.
(D) Student Appearance and Attire
4. School uniform:
(a) Skirt must be knee-length.
(b) Long pants should not be too tight or low waist.
(c) Students have to buy new uniform if their uniform is not compatible.
5. Girl’s hairstyle:
(a) The fringe should not exceed the eyebrows.
(b) Shoulder-length long hair has to be tied up neatly.
(c) Long hair reaching both ears should be tied up neatly or pinned neatly with hairpins.
(d) Hair bands or other hair accessories must be in black.
(e) Rebonding and dying are not allowed.
6. Boy’s hairstyle:
(a) Hairstyles like UNDERCUT, punker or over-grooming are not allowed.
(b) Front hair on forehead should not exceed eyebrows.
(c) Rebonding and dying are not allowed.
4. Accessories:
(a) Students are not allowed to wear accessories (like necklace, bracelet and others) without permission.
(b) Application to wear accessories has to be done at the beginning of the year. Students have to fill in the application form from the Discipline Department, and verified by parents’ signature. Students are then only allowed to wear accessories after obtaining approval from the Discipline Department.
(E) Students Driving to School
5. Students who drive to school have to fill in an application form obtained from the Discipline Department and then hand in the applications with relevant documents. Application fee or payment has to be done at the Treasury Department after obtaining approval from the school authority.
6. Car keys have to be pass over to the Discipline Department before 7.20am and get back at 2.00pm.
7. Students’ vehicles have to be parked at specified parking lots. Those who do not obey will be fine or not allowed to drive to school after several warnings.
8. Students who drive to school without permission will be fined or will be taken disciplinary action after several warnings.
Prohibited to Bring Handphone to School
4. Students are prohibited to bring handphones to school (7.30am to 3.30pm).
5. The following action will be taken if any student who caught bringing handphone to school:
2.1 1st time: A demerit, handphone and sim card detained by school for six months.
2.2 2nd time: A minor demerit, handphone and sim card detained by school for 1 year.
2.3 3rd time: A major demerit, handphone and sim card will be confiscated.
6. Anyone who brings handphone into the examination venue will be penalized according to regulations stated above and will also considered as cheating.
1. 钟声一响,学生应立刻进入教室就座。
2. 教室内须肃静,不得任意喧哗叫嚣,上课时须遵守秩序,专心听讲,不得谈笑,或交头接耳。
3. 学生须依照班主任编订的座位就座不得任意换位。
4. 教师上课或下课时,由班长发口令全体肃立致敬,待老师回礼后方可坐下。
5. 上课时学生如有发问,须先举手,获得教师同意,然后站立发言。
6. 必须保持教室及走廊的整洁,不得随意吐痰,粉笔、纸屑杂物不得乱丢在地上,值日生于下课时立即楷抹白板,并须负教室全日整洁之责。每天放学后必须清理垃圾。
7. 上课时,除该课的课本和作业外,不得阅读其他书本和作业,更不得阅读课外书籍。
8. 上课及换节时,学生不得离开教室,如有特别事故须离开教室者,须先请求教师准许,方的离座。
9. 学生如迟到,须自动先到训导处填写迟到表格,然后须从前门进入教室,向上课老师报到,待老师准许后,始得入座听讲。
10. 桌椅、白板、墙壁、图表、门窗等不得任意更换、移动、涂写、污损或毁坏。如有损坏,必须向训导处报告,照价赔偿。
11. 他人物件,未经物主本人许可,不得擅自移取。
12. 任何人来校视察或参观,如有本校董事长、校长或教师引导进入教室时,班长须立即发口令起立,等待礼后方可坐下。
13. 教师指定学生发言,须立即起立候命。
14. 教室内不得悬挂,张贴未经班主任许可的文字和图片。
15. 老师不在教室时,班长必须负责维持班上秩序。
16. 上课钟响后五分钟,若老师还未到教室,副班长须向教务处或科任老师询问,没有得到许可不得任意离开教室。
17. 本班学生不得任意进出其他教室。
18. 如有违犯本规则者,依照校规惩处。