(1)线上订购课本:请于12月14日(一)至26日(六)期间,透过学校系统网站(app.kiankok.edu.my )或手机APP预订2021年课本及转账。目前相关功能尚未对外开放。
(3)如果家长急需纸本成绩单,可在12月14日以后,于上班时间(星期一至星期五,8am – 12pm)到学校行政处领取。
Dear Parents,
(1) Online Textbooks Order: You may order the 2021 textbooks and make payment online through the school system (app.kiankok.edu.my) or mobile APP from 14 December (Monday) to 26 December (Saturday). The relevant app function is currently unavailable for view.
(2) Electronic transcripts: Parents and students can view the report after 8 am on 14 December (Monday) through the school system (app.kiankok.edu.my) or mobile APP. The hard copy report card will be given to students after school commences in 2021.
(3) Should parents need hard copy report card urgently, you can get them from the school administration office during working hours (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 12 noon).
Thank you.