期末线上评审 Year End Online Assessment



1. 本校依循教育部指示,关闭学校至本学年结束,教学活动将透过线上进行。

2. 有鉴于学校无法恢复实体上课,故校方决定把初一至高三的年终考试(或模拟考试)转换成 “期末线上评审”,以适应新常态。

3. 有关“期末线上评审” 将于2020年11月23日(星期一)至11月27日(星期五)进行。学生须依照学校编制的时间表(见附录),自行上网到各科老师的谷歌教室(而非上网课的虚拟教室),进入Classwork 的Quiz Assignment 或Assignment回答老师预先设定的考卷,并在考试时间结束后,准时呈交答卷。

4. 线上评审进行中,不会有老师在网上监考,学生也不需要进入目前网课教室的Google Meet (除非老师事先提出要求)。但科任老师将全程在线,学生若有问题,可透过各式电子通讯媒体联络老师。

5. 每个科目的评审时间为一个小时,期间学生获准参考课本或参考书等资料。校方希望学生凭自己实力诚实作答。如有发现多个学生答案(非标准答案考题)雷同,校方将进行调查。一旦发现抄袭现象属实,将采取相关纪律行动,有关学生得分也将受影响。


7. 由于“期末线上评审”将在网上进行,请家长确保家中拥有相关电子设备及足够的网路流量,让学生能顺利进行评审。如过程中发生不可预测的技术问题(如无预期停电、网速持续中断、电脑临时故障等),严重导致学生无法作答试卷,请相关学生主动联络科任老师,以安排重考事宜。

8. 考虑各地网速差异,学生获准在作答时间结束后的20分钟内,将答案提呈或上载到所规定的平台。如学生故意拖延,导致延迟提交或上载,学生得分将受到影响,学生宜严格遵守。

9. 凡学生无故缺席“期末线上评审”,事后亦不主动联络校方陈明原因,其分数将以“零分”计算,学校也将保留权利,不让有关学生“升级”。

10. 本年度学年分数计算方式调整如下(*有调整):

项目 百分比
1 上学年总结性评量 20%*
2 下学年总结性评量 20%*
3 期末线上评审 15%*
4 平日测验 15%
5 线上小考 10%
6 课堂表现(实体教室及网课) 20%(各占10%)
共计 100%

11. 目前距离“期末线上评量”尚有两个星期的时间,各科任老师受促安排模拟“线上评量”,以帮助老师及学生适应线上评量的新常态。

12.  感恩家长对学校的支持与配合,请继续续敦促孩子认真参与网课。老师每一节课都会点名,并记录学生出席状况,以作为评定学生网课课堂表现之参考依据。

13. 线上期末评审时间表请见附录。



Dear Teachers, Parents & Students,

1.  Following the MOE’s instruction, the school will stay closed until the end of the semester.  Teaching and learning will be conducted online.

2.  Consequently, the school is unable to resume physical classes.  To adapt to the new norm, the school has decided to convert the Final Exams (or Mock Exams) to “Year End Online Assessment” for students from Junior One to Senior Three.

3.  The “Year End Online Assessment ” will be conducted from 23 Nov 2020 (Monday) to 27 Nov 2020 (Friday). To take the assessment, students are required to go to the respective subject teachers’ Google classrooms (not the virtual classroom for online classes) according to the timetable set by the school (please refer to the attachment).  Students are then to click into “Classwork”, chose either “Quiz Assignment” or “Assignment”.  Students need to answer the questions and submit the answers on time.

4.  During the assessment, teachers will not be invigilating online, and students do not need to join in to the google meet, platform where current online class using (unless requested by the teacher in advance).  However, the subject teachers will be available online during the assessment to monitor and help students.  Should problems arise, students can contact the subject teachers via conventional call or online messaging apps.

5.  The duration for online assessment for every subject is one hour.  During the assessment, students are allowed to refer to textbooks or reference books. The school, however, expects students to have the integrity to answer questions on their own.  The school will investigate if multiple students’ answers (non-standard answer questions) are found to be similar.  Once plagiarism is detected, disciplinary actions will be taken, and the scores of the students concerned will also be affected.

6.  The assessment syllabus for the “Year End Online Assessment” is similar to the original scope issued by the school earlier, while the format of the questions may differ to suit the online assessment tool.  Should there be any changes, further announcement will be made by the respective subject teachers.

7.  As the “Year End Online Assessment” will be conducted online, parents are requested to facilitate students with the electronic device and sufficient Internet quota so that the assessment can go smoothly.  Should unforeseen technical problems arise (such as no electricity, continuous interruption of internet connection, computer crashing, etc.) which seriously affect the performance of the students, students are to take the initiative to contact the subject teacher to arrange for makeup assessment.

8.  Considering the various internet speeds in different regions, students are allowed to submit or upload their answers to the prescribed platform within 20 minutes after the end of the assessment.  If students deliberately delay in submission or uploading, the scores will be affected.  Students are urged to adhere to the rule strictly.

9.  If students are absent from the “Year End Online Assessment” without any reason, and do not proactively contact the school to provide explanation, the score will be calculated as “zero”.  The school will reserve the right to retain the students.

10. The academic assessment for 2020 is as follows:

No Particulars Percentage
1 1st Summative Test 20%*
2 2nd Summative Test 20%*
3 Year End Online Assessment 15%*
4 Progressive Test 15%
5 Online Teaching Quiz 10%
6 Classroom Evaluation (physical classroom & online class) 20% (10% respectively)
Total 100%

Remarks: *revised value

11. From now, there are still two weeks before the “Year End Online Assessment”.  Subject teachers are urged to arrange a simulated “online assessment” to help teachers and students adapt to the new norm of online assessment.

12.  It would be appreciated if parents could continue to urge students to seriously participate in the online classes.  Teachers will record the students’ attendance every period, which forms part of the evaluation for online class performance.  The school is very grateful to the parents for their continued support and cooperation.

13.  Please find attached he “Year End Online Assessment” timetable.

Thank you.

Goh Teck Seng
9 November 2020